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The Lightweight Heavyweight

For medications in tablet, powder or liquid form: highly pure HDK® pyrogenic silica has now become an indispensable part of the pharmaceutical industry. As an excipient it improves the flow properties of powders and liquids, and enhances the quality of tablet and capsule manufacturing processes. So is it really a heavyweight? Definitely not.

A unique feature of HDK® is its low density. One liter of the ultrapure HDK® N20 Pharma weighs just 40 g. This is identical to HDK® N20P Pharma, except that it was mechanically compressed after production. What purpose does that serve? See for yourself!

Packed in Tight HDK® N20P Pharma

Want to learn more about HDK®?

Visit our product portal and learn more about our ultrapure HDK® grades for the pharmaceutical and food industries.

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