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Wacker Chemicals (Zhangjiagang) Co., Ltd.

Zhangjiagang, Jiangsu Province, China

One of the world’s biggest and most modern silicone sites

Zhangjiagang is one of the WACKER Group’s largest production sites. We supply the rapidly growing Asian markets with ultramodern silicone end products from here. These include silicone sealants, elastomers and emulsions, as well as silicone intermediates and silicone fluids for the textiles, leather and fiber industries, and for chemical processes and coatings.

Alongside our own production plants, we operate manufacturing facilities for siloxanes and pyrogenic silica together with our partner. Its size of about one square kilometer and a considerable production capacity make this industrial complex the biggest plant of its kind in China and one of the world’s largest and most modern integrated silicone sites.

Furthermore, a new logistics center went into operation in September 2015. At its heart is a 4,000-square-meter high-bay warehouse in which all incoming and outgoing goods are recorded completely electronically. This service offers you, our customers, significant added value: fast, flexible delivery and high availability.

Site-Specific Facts & Figures

  • Name: Wacker Chemicals (Zhangjiagang) Co., Ltd.
  • Location: Zhangjiagang Yangtze River Chemical Industrial Park, 170 km from Shanghai
  • Area: 300,000 m²
  • Employees: approx. 490
  • Products: silicone elastomers, silicone sealants, silicone emulsions, silicone intermediates, silicone fluids, pyrogenic silica and siloxanes
  • The production site is certified to ISO 22716 for the cosmetics industry and observes global, chemical-industry Responsible Care® guidelines.
  • The Safety Committee of the Zhangjiagang Free Trade Zone has honored the safety and environmental-protection measures of the production site.

Wacker Chemicals (Zhangjiagang) Co., Ltd.

503, East Changjiang Road, Jiangsu Yangtze River International Chemical Industry Park
Zhangjiagang, Jiangsu Province
Zhangjiagang City 215635
China (Mainland)
Tel.: +86 512 8164-2000

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